Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Of Life and Tennis

Tonight, I played tennis for the first time in years with a friend of mine. While I was struggling to bat that ridiculous ball back and forth with him, I began my normal routine of evaluating all my motions and playing in order to better myself. I thought of my positioning just before hitting the ball, the angle of the racket, the swinging motion of my arm and, of course, how hard I was hitting it.

A strange thing occurred to me when I began to consider the force I was using: The faster the ball came at me, the harder I wanted to hit it back. I thought for a second how little aspects of our personalities show up in the smallest things. Instead of having the patience to slow the ball down to a reasonable speed for my abilities, I instead wanted to crush it back with 3 times the velocity.

Although this is a loose analogy, I would still say that it exemplifies my apparent impatience with certain things in my life. When things are really pressing me, I grow impatient to allow God and myself the time and space to really accomplish what needs to be done. I hurry, hurry, hurry to get done what I think I need to do and I can't stand waiting for the right time or resources to come about.

So it would appear that I can actually learn something about life from this ridiculous game played the social elite and very attractive Russian women....

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