Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Remaking Bish

I recently decided that I would "make" myself a morning person. Historically, I haven't been much for waking up early. I've been somewhat forced into through my military experience, but I usually dread getting up anytime earlier than 30 minutes prior to when I need to be somewhere. But I decided I didn't like that about myself and I knew I needed some form of motivation to get me out of bed other than relying upon me and the alarm clock. I needed a reason.

The reason has become running. I've always run at night, but when I heard that a crew from Newspring were training for a marathon early in the morning, I figured what better way to motivate myself than to do the same. So since last week, I've been getting up at 5:15am to start running at 6am for however many miles they are doing. I probably won't actually run the marathon, but the point isn't that; it is to get my butt out of bed in the morning.

One thing I've already come to see is how much I enjoy the sun coming up. I think God probably came to visit Adam and Eve in the mornings (it says he came walking in the garden during the "cool of the day" which could mean early morning). I found myself looking forward to it. You should check it out sometime if you don't already make a habit of it.

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