Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Mom God Vs. Navas God

So a friend of mine and I got into a discussion a few days ago concerning how we view and interact with God and I learned something important.

My mom is great (but that isn't what I learned!). She's the best mom I know of and I'm not just saying that. She brought me up to be myself and let me ask many, many questions. I suppose I've been in the habit that if Mom told me to do something, my first reaction was, "why?" Not always because I didn't want to do whatever she asked, but because I wanted to understand the purpose of it if I didn't already.

Recently I've been wrestling with God over some things in my life that I felt like He's told me to do, yet don't understand why or for what purpose.

This is where my friend pointed out our old High School soccer coach, Coach Navas. Coach Navas had a habit of running us into the ground. He would make us do these things called "gassers" which were essentially the mother of all painful sprints. Everyday, Coach Navas would make us run some number of gassers. It could be 8 (trust me, that was enough) or 4, you just never knew. When Coach asked us to do them, we just did it. Had someone asked "why" there was a distinct possibility that the questioner would be running twice as many. Not only that, there was also the chance that one person's question might turn into everyone's punishment. So we didn't question him. Many of us couldn't see the benefit in some of the drills he made us do, but we did them anyway, without question.

I think we can see the correlation here. Sometimes God will give us answers and be like mom, you know, helping us out to understand what's going on. Sometimes God just expects us to remember that He's God and we should just simply do what He said. So Coach Navas, where ever you are, thanks for the gassers.

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