Monday, July 11, 2005

Things I've Learned (In No Particular Order):

1. God is in control of everything
2. I am in control of nothing
3. God’s forgiveness can never be understood by man, but it is real.
4. I have loved unselfishly
5. I have been loved unselfishly
6. I don’t drink alcohol.
7. I tell the truth.
8. Going to bars and staying sober is like going to baseball games sober…..why go? It’s incredibly boring!
9. My passions were never lost, only misdirected…
10. Sometimes God calls us to do an incredibly difficult thing….wait
11. I don’t like waiting!
12. I know what it means to “pray in the gap”
13. There is real spiritual warfare going on out there.
14. I have a lot of confidence…when I know I’m in God’s will.
15. People have this nasty thing called “free will” that can really cause problems if not kept in check.
16. You can’t make someone do the right thing.
17. Relationships require two people to participate in the same game. If one of them quits, you can’t make them play even if it is the right thing.
18. When I really love someone, I fight tenaciously for it.
19. God can do some incredible things with people when they allow Him to do so.
20. God can really change people for the better.
21. I can actually have an effect on people around me when I set the right example.
22. Forgiveness doesn’t always come easy, but it makes life easier to both give and receive it.
23. God is a God of the impossible, the difficult, the unseen, and the desperate
24. God can give us real courage, real strength, real peace, and real joy…to a level unattainable on our own.
25. The Bible is actually interesting.
26. God really speaks to us in lots of different ways when we open our ears to it.
27. God changes people, situations, lives, hopes, dreams, fears, desires, tears, passions, etc, etc, etc.
28. I feel best about myself when I’m helping other people.
29. I actually like going to the gym.
30. God is always there, every time I call out for Him…He never leaves.

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