Friday, March 10, 2006


Nobody else seems to be posting to their blogs today so I'll just post to mine.

Something I recently had "click": how to let go of an uncertain future without making up the answer for yourself. For instance, I would like to be married one day. I think God wants me married one day, but it doesn't seem to be happening. Because of my personality, I almost want to say, "Well, it's just never going to happen" and face that as a fact. It really isn't true, however. All I had to realize was I don't have a wife right now, so it isn't on my list of priorities. Sounds intuitive, but for some reason I just didn't seem to get it. Worry about what I'm doing today and what God has already told me to do. Let God sort the rest out. I can't really understand why it took me so long to figure that one out, but I'm thankful I have. I suppose it is because of my natural tendency to have things planned out to some degree or another. Eh, whatever.

So there may be an opportunity for me to make a lateral move within the company I work for. I'm praying it comes to pass since I think it would be a move that would allow me to do something I'd feel much more successful at.

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